Wednesday, November 30, 2005 @11/30/2005 11:31:00 PM
Results are out. Why do I feel such? Lost, depressed, forlorn. Everything down.
Cos I fucked myself up. Why?
Cos I just saw my honours fly away right in front of me. Why?
Cos I cannot bloody piroritise and fix my majorly fucked up life.
Yeah. Me. To mope the rest of my holidays.
⥠every page of my imagination
Saturday, November 26, 2005 @11/26/2005 03:45:00 PM
I miss her already. Take care my dear babe.
⥠every page of my imagination
Monday, November 21, 2005 @11/21/2005 03:15:00 AM
Today's my day. Alright, technically its over. But today has been a lovely lovely day.
A day of wishes, warmth, pressies and most of all love from everyone.
Thank you everyone for making my 21st a wonderful, unforgettable one.
⥠every page of my imagination
Friday, November 18, 2005 @11/18/2005 01:27:00 PM
Today, the scariest thought came to mind. Standing at my balcony smoking, I wondered what I would look like at the bottom of my balcony. Splattered? In pieces or just broken?
Today I felt like jumping. Suddenly, the 2nd floor seems to high up. So heavenly. So desirable.
Today, I scared myself.
Saved by a
nonsensical loved phone call. Though.
⥠every page of my imagination
@11/18/2005 06:11:00 AM
⥠every page of my imagination
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 @11/15/2005 12:42:00 PM
Maybe I should just let things be, To not hurt myself anymore. To not feel
gek sim everytime I see their photos. The closeness. The proximity, or lack of.
To not feel jealous is impossible. To clean my act, maybe so.
A change of heart once more for you. A stab in my heart once more for me.
It seems like my most perfect person has left me once more.
To be her invisible man.
⥠every page of my imagination
Monday, November 14, 2005 @11/14/2005 01:26:00 AM
what can I write again.
I have:
- Gone crazy
- Gone senile
- Gone mad
- Gone nuts
- Gone cuckoo.
Alright. You get the point. I have exhausted what's left of my brain cells to think of synonyms to crazy.
Meanwhile. Let's be just C.R.A.Z.Y.
⥠every page of my imagination
Saturday, November 12, 2005 @11/12/2005 04:45:00 PM
What can I write? About my majorly fucked up studies or my majorly fucked up life?
Let's talk about my studies. I have had 2 papers so far, both of which, I have absolutely no confidence in. In fact, I may fail them. Yeah, fail. Failure has not been part of my dictionary since I came to uni. But failure has been a major part of my life. All my life, my studies have been fucked up, till I was given the chance to study in Australia. Since then I have not failed. Till this sem, this word surfaced again. Why am I here for then? To fail again? To let my parents down again? Its all my fault, for not being able to control myself. To not be disciplined enough to sit my ass down to study. I have a paper on Monday which I have not even finished studying and at the rate I'm going, I doubt I'm actually going to finish it. Which doesnt surprise me. Cos this is what has been happening to my previous 2 papers. What a major fuck I am. Jess is supposed to be mature. Sometimes I think I'm just still a little kid inside of me. Needing someone to guide me around. To tell me what to do. To give me the answer I actually already have in my heart. To tell me what is right and wrong. I want to be that little kid. A kid that someone can guide. Making decisions is a pain in ass. Its hard, its horrid, its tiring.
Let's talk about my life. Two words: Fucked up. Yeah, that sums up my life right now. Too many problems on my mind. Too many to think I about. Too many I shouldnt be thinking about. Too many I just want to let go. But problems are such a pain that I have to think about them. Letting go is hard but if there's nothing for me to catch on. Catching onto thin air, grasping onto nothing with not even a shred of thin line to hold on. Sucks. I picked up smoking. Yeah smoking. Which I intend to cut hopefully by the time I go home. But my bad habit. Yeah. I hate to admit but according to Anurax, admission is the first step to recovery. I'm admiting it. I better bloody well cut the habit.
Don't let me go cos I have never ever let you go.
But if you moved on without me. I wish you all the best.
⥠every page of my imagination
Sunday, November 06, 2005 @11/06/2005 04:03:00 PM
⥠every page of my imagination
Thursday, November 03, 2005 @11/03/2005 04:43:00 PM
I once thought I met the most perfect person in my life. Till the most perfect person has left me too.
Who else is there for me to meet then?
⥠every page of my imagination
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 @11/02/2005 09:11:00 PM
Hehe.. Nuff Said..
Exams people..
~Signing out~
⥠every page of my imagination
Tuesday, November 01, 2005 @11/01/2005 10:19:00 PM
六个月的今天,我们在一起了。 六个月前的你和六个月后的你变了许多。
⥠every page of my imagination