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Friday, September 30, 2005 @9/30/2005 03:08:00 PM

Its time to be just me, myself and I. Realised that I really wasted alot of time playing this semester. Time to study and not care about other things, the hurt, the pain the crying and focus on what I came here for. Once again, I'm back to that hole where its darkness.

This is me.

Grown up once more.

♥ every page of my imagination

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 @9/20/2005 11:29:00 PM

Hate.. How do you justify hate? It is a very strong word and I usually do not like using that word. But yet today I used to quite a number of times. I wonder.. Am I too harsh or am I given that right to be upset? Though it does not directly concern me, but still, I'm affected.

A soccer game. Rough, physical game. A game where people meet and make close friends. A game that brings people together. A social or competitive game. A soccer game, 2 boys walked away from that game. Rather, one was carried out from that game while the other walked. One has to defer studies to go home for an operation while the other probably will live with a little guilt and forget about the accident. One has to spent thousands of dollars in treatment, one barely bothered about the other.

A social game, a friendly? Or someone who is out to hurt?

Hate comes into play now. For taking out the one who has to defer studies to go for an operation. For taking away someone I treasure times with, someone who will understand all my pain about my studies. Someone that I can stay up till 8am in the morning doing an assignment together. Someone who will share sweets with me during night classes. Someone who will always wake me up during lectures. Someone who will go with me to the City just to eat Jap food. Someone who I was suppose to graduate with. Now someone whom I dont know if I'll ever see again.

Hate comes in cos this someone has been taken away from me. Just because of a social soccer game.

Be well my friend.

♥ every page of my imagination

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 @9/13/2005 11:48:00 PM

Disney.. The much awaited DisneyLand in Hong Kong is finally opened. Hopefully at the beginning of next year, I'll be able to go to visit that place.

It looks really really grand...

What is a DisneyLand without its Classic Characters?

Little Mermaid

101 Dalmations


And of cos Last of not Least.. We cannot do without Mickey Mouse!

Ending with a BIG BANG


♥ every page of my imagination

Friday, September 09, 2005 @9/09/2005 05:27:00 PM

This is the New Apple Product - the IPOD NANO. I swear its one of the smallest things I have ever seen. Look at this baby, now who wouldnt want to own one of these?

The classic white

The black's not bad too

And yes it is that thin

And that small

Plus this really cool assessory (well to me anyway) to just bring your Ipod nano around anywhere anytime.

*swoons* Who wouldnt want to own something like that?

♥ every page of my imagination

@9/09/2005 04:51:00 PM

Yeah, I'm a bitch. I don't understand. You were never there when I need you anyway. What happened to I promise you that no matter what, in Australia, just say the word and I'll be there.

So yeah, I'm being a BITCH about it.

♥ every page of my imagination

Wednesday, September 07, 2005 @9/07/2005 01:32:00 PM

Offline Chatting. Dear dearest Pau, you light up my day just like that! Love ya..

♥ every page of my imagination

Tuesday, September 06, 2005 @9/06/2005 01:31:00 PM

Suddenly all emotions come flooding to me. Walking along the deserted walkway of Indroo mall, thinking. Do you ever notice how when the mall is closed, your footsteps around this mall echoes? Don't know how to describe how to feel. Just thought of all my ex bfs suddenly.

Reuben- who traumatised me for 3 years, who took 3 years to get over me who is facing the same problem with a new girl. Who I feel sad for, him that is. Who has grown up finally.

James- who has also grown up, more matured. Who has lost his boyish looks. Who I'll just walk past without acknowledging his prescence cos he'll do the same to me.

Ruikun- who I have no idea where he is, who will walk past me without acknowledging my prescence. Though, I would expect nothing less from him.

Just felt sad.

♥ every page of my imagination

Monday, September 05, 2005 @9/05/2005 01:25:00 PM

Celebration of Birthdays. These 2 months I reckon would be prettu busy, with birthdays. Kicking it all off is Aree's birthday held in Roma Street Parklands. It was a BBQ, and aussie bbq is different from the good old charcoal. It runs on electricity and um, you gotta turn it on every 15 mins. But nontheless, it was all good fun..

Me and the Birthday Girl - Ree

The Lot of Us

The Birthday Girl

Babes at the Party

Following which, most of the troop decided that without drinking, it would not be complete. So some guys went to buy some alcohol. Of which they came back with A Vodka, A Tequilla (these 2 we finished), some thing else for the Birthday Girl courtesy of Andrew. Got started with playing Indian Poker and non drivers had other punishments. Keke...

The Indian Poker

The Drinking
The Punishment (nicer and edited version) for the drivers who so kindly not drank to drive us home and still um undergo this shit. Oops...

Water Parade for Wilson and Sam

Finger Nail Painting

The Eyebrow Plucking

And the After Effects

And that's the end of that night. One more of this coming this Saturday! This time its my darling housemate's birthday. Preferably a drunkless one...

♥ every page of my imagination


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Home: Australia, Brisbane/Singapore(where my heart is)
About Me: University of Queensland.
Psychology Major
Mildly Psychotic.

Before I grew up I saw you on a cloud I could bless myself in your name and patch you on my wings "Life is hard and so is love, child, believe in all these things"


[Geok Lin]
[James Ng]
[Kian Li]
[Jing Jing]
[Shih Jia]
[Mel Yong]


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this layout was done by jeanette. Fonts were from dafont and image from threadless. pls do not take out the credits. (: